RSS Bandit

Well, after the issues I had with NewsGator I explored some other news aggregators. I used Attensa for a while now and have been fairly happy with it. However, it is tied to a single machine. Then a recent update broke it and after several attempts at figuring it out and getting it going again, it was just easiest to drop it. I tried the NewsMonster aggregator that works (s'posedly) with FireFox but no go. It wouldn't install and work correctly. I did check out some of the RSS readers on but had some issues with one that appealed to me. So, now I'm using RSS Bandit. Having it not tied in to Outlook has actually been a good thing. It has a handy configurable synch feature. I used it to save settings/state to a flash drive. Then when I got home, I installed RSS Bandit on the home machine and downloaded from the flash drive. RSS Bandit went out to the web and pulled the content. I was good to go. Ironically, I should be able to synch with NewsGator OnLine too. Since I've already paid for that, I might give it a go.

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