EarthLink Non-Existent DNS redirection


Your spreading of your new program finally hit the DNS servers that I use on my EarthLink DSL. And at first blush it had all the appearances of browser hi-jacking.

So no matter how you paint it, you may not be technically "browser hi-jacking" but you accomplished the same thing.

Your blog claims you are doing this to enhance user experience. That's BS and you know it. The real motivation is ad/click revenue.

This feature is no different than when someone hacks a DNS server and repoints a domain.

The only acceptable course of action for EarthLink is to disable this "service" and issue an apology to users.

Are you getting a "removed by HIPS FW" ?

Are you not seeing things you normally would when you surf the web? When you view the html for the page do you see a comment that content was "removed by HIPS FW" ?

The answer is that CA's Firewall product is blocking them. It is configured out of the box to block banner ads. Well, sometimes what it identifies as a banner ad isn't. For instance this one:

To solve this problem, go to CA's Personal Firewall settings. Go to the Privacy group, then configure the Ad/Pop-Up blocker to not block banners.

CA settings pages that need to be updated As another person pointed out, you may also need to check out the Cookie Control advanced settings. I found that in order to get some sites to work properly, I had to allow the private header information to go out.